As mentioned previously, the Church is not immune to sexual misconduct within it. It is imperative that we address issues openly in order to ensure trust as well as begin instituting protocol that will lead to lasting change. Great
#TimesUp is focused on providing funds to support attorney representation for victims of sexual harassment and sexual abuse. Millions of dollars already pledged. We are moving into a new era in which sexual abuse
As mentioned previously, the Church is not immune to sexual misconduct within it. It is imperative that we address issues openly in order to ensure trust as well as begin instituting protocol that will lead to lasting change. Great
by Joy Melton
Joy is the author of the best selling series SAFE SANCTUARIES, Resources for Safer Churches published by Discipleship Resources
Over the past couple of decades, I’ve been called a lot of names: “Reverend”, “Sister”,
By Rev. Joy Melton
Author of SAFE SANCTUARIES, Resources for Safer Churches
published by Discipleship Resources
On February 14, news broke that students and staff members were assassinated on a high school campus in Florida. Seventeen have died and more